Fish Fry Tour 2025

WGRR is looking for the best fish fries around the Tri-State.

The 103.5 WGRR Fish Fry Tour is back with St Vincent de Paul! Let us know what Lenten fish fry location you want us to visit and we’ll add it to our map!

Then, every Friday during Lent, join us for great food and the good word. St. Vincent de Paul of Cincinnati, is accepting donations of canned goods and hygiene products while we’re there.

The WGRR Fish Fry Tour of the Tri-State, thanks to St. Vincent de Paul, Neighbors Helping Neighbors…with Cincinnati’s Greatest Hits, 103.5 WGRR.

4th Stop on March 28th starting at 5pm with Rockin’ Ron at the Bellevue Vets Fish Fry – 24 Fairfield Ave., Bellevue, KY 42073

5th Stop on April 4th starting at 5pm with Rockin Ron’ at Guardian Angels Church – 6531 Beechmont Ave. 45230


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